Introducing our completely new service…

Your auction house can now utilise our professional auctioneers and bidding clerks to conduct your LIVE online auctions remotely via our auction studio. We work with you and your bidding platform to provide the UK’s leading LIVE online professional auctioneer services. We’ll conduct YOUR auction LIVE and online from OUR own studio!

What you get…

One of the UK’s leading professional auctioneers

Professional bidding clerk to control the sale

Recording studio with the latest technology to hold your event

White label auction conducted via YOUR website or bidding platform

So whilst other auctions are stuck in the past with timed sales why not stand out from the crowd and add some excitement to your online sales? Go LIVE and online with Auctioneer 4 Hire.

Please get in touch to find out more. Call Duncan Brown on 07970902224 or email us below…

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